Hi, Jayne: Yes, the posts to the board can seem frightening, but you must remember that the people who post here are not the folks who have gotten well again. The vast majority of people posting here are either new to the disease, or are a member of the small “elite” that has ongoing problems, especially with the eyes. There are a very small number of us who are well, feeling good, but still continue to post to bring some hope to the board, but the majority of posters are still sick. So viewing the posts can make things seem awfully bleak. I have been posting now for two years, though, and can tell you that an awful lot of people have come and gone. Once we get well again, we go back to normal activities, and keeping up with this board just takes way too much time for many of us.
Our bodies took a beating while we had too much thyroid hormone, and it takes time before all the systems affected will normalize again. We have to be patient, and help ourselves out with good nutrition, and sensible exercise. So keep your chin up.
I hope you are feeling better soon,