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  • tmiller62
      Post count: 1

      Four months ago I met a beautiful lady who has graves and hypothyroidism. She has had her thyroid removed and is on meds. Because I care for her I have tried to be supportive, but after 4 months of no sex I can’t do this anymore she refuses to let me touch her. Please before I give up on someone I love I need information is this normal for graves?

      Online Facilitator
        Post count: 4294

        Hello and welcome – each patient is individual, but this piece from the American Thyroid Association might be of interest:

        This is a public form where anyone can read the posts (although you must be a member to post or reply). You might get more responses in our closed Facebook group (find us on FB at @GDATF and then select “Join Group” in the top right-hand corner of the page) or on our social wall at

        Wishing you all the best!

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