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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Hi Warriors,

    I am scheduled to have my RAI on July 12/01. Three days prior to this date, I have to take 50mg of Prednison, a steriod, along with a pill to help prevent bone degeneration, 1500 mg of calcium, and 1200mg of Vitamin D. I read something from another warrior about gaining a tremendous amount of weight. Is that normal?? I will be taking 50mg for the first month and then slowly tapering off for the next two months, stopping at the end of the third month. I am now FINALLY losing the weight (I hoped to lose all my life), 18lbs, and am very concerned about gaining it all back plus some. Any suggestions regarding diet, ect. Thanks for the help.!!!!


    Post count: 93172

    I was on pred for over three years and was very lucky to avoid most of the side effects, and had no weight gain. I was already on a very low sodium, low fat diet for other reasons, and firmly believe that diet and exercise made a huge difference. Later, I found a book on pred use while doing some research for my mother in law that gives good, practical advice on coping with pred use. I had it reviewed by the NGDF staff and it is listed in the resources, I think, but is by Eugenia Zuckerman and is titled “Coping with Prednisone”, if I remember correctly. She is a flutist who had to go on steroids for a lung disorder, and she wrote the book in conjuction with her sister, who is a physician. I have a copy that I have loaned out in the past and I would be happy to do the same for you, though it is only about $13 through the online book sellers. Email me if you would like me to drop my copy in the mail to you.
    Good luck,

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