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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Hi Lisa!
    I used to be like that too. When I mentioned it to my Endo she put me on
    Zoloft. I told her I didn’t want antidepressents — I can’t function at
    work like a ZOMBIE! Also, I don’t have a very good tolerance for medications,
    I wouldn’t be able to shake the effects when I got up in the morning.

    She’s very conservative about medications and supported this ZOLOFT 100%.
    She said its just something to take the edge off. The example she used
    was if you dog was hit by a car, you would be sad and upset but not off
    the deep end or irrational.

    I thought, yea right!!! But you know what, it works. It really keeps
    me on an even keel without the sluggish feeling and slow mental responses,
    if you know what I mean. I take one a day and although I am tired its not
    from the medication. She said it does something to that part of your
    brain that handles the emotions. Its good stuff. I don’t take it
    every day but when I don’t take it, I know it as well as my family does!!

    I E-mailed you, hope you received it.

    Stay in touch, hope this helps!

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