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    Post count: 93172

    My teenager has all of a sudden started itching around her neck and chest. I see no rash. But it is so severe, I have to give her benedryl which knocks her out cold. I will call her doc tomorrow.
    Just wondering if she could have developed a reaction to levoxyl. She has been on it about 9 months with no problems at all. I can’t think of anything different we are using in the house like detergent, etc. It is a new bottle, she has been taking it for about a week.

    Post count: 93172

    There are a couple of us here who have developed skin irritations. Not from the levoxyl (I take levothyroxin, myself) but, from the Graves’. I did fine on my meds when I started taking them too. Like your teenager, I started having severe itching on my back and some on the sides of my feet. It has turned into eczema. It doesn’t look like a rash, just a little patch of dry skin really, but, the itching continues. I will be going to the dermatologist about it soon. I’ll let you know what he says. Is your child having acne problems too? I have had a lot of problems with it in the past month or two. This is because my levels dropped really low for a time. My eczema got worse during this period too. It seems with me that my skin’s condition is greatly and directly affected by my levels. I don’t know how common this is. Given the fact that you are dealing with a teenager’s hormones and everything that goes with that, I would think about consulting a dermatologist, especially if the itching persists. That way you can head off any possible future problems as well.

    Hope this helps!


    Post count: 93172

    Thank you for responding Flame. The thing is, I don’t see any dry skin, or whelps, or anything! She is just complaining of itching, terribly, like an allergic reaction. She has beautiful skin, no acne at all. I told her not to take her levoxyl just today and see if it got any better. I will call her endo and see if he has heard of anyone else developing itching on levoxyl. Thanks.

    Post count: 93172

    Hi Debbie,

    If your daughter is having a reaction to her medication, it would be to the fillers/additives used in that particular pill — the thyroid hormone in the pill is something we can’t be allergic to, since it is chemically identical to what our thyroid produces.

    I hope you’ve heard from the doctor already, but having her skip a dose of thyroid replacement is really not a very good idea. It’s hard for the body to be without it’s “fuel,” so to speak. There are many brands of thyroid hormone replacement (Synthroid, Unithroid, etc.), and her doctor can write up a specific prescription for one of them to see if it helps her itching.

    It might be a good idea to see a dermatologist — you may not be able to see anything on her skin, but it’s possible a dermatologist could.

    Good luck!

    NGDF Assistant Online Facilitator

    Post count: 93172

    Thanks Ski… your right, its not a good idea to skip the meds, however, her being a teenager, I can promise you, its not the first one she’s missed!:-) The doc thinks its probably just seasonal allergy, theres an awful lot of ragweed and more floating around the south right now. So we will put her on zyrtec for a while at bedtime and see if that helps. Thanks all for you input.

    Post count: 93172

    Heya mom! Glad to here that your daughter may just have a minor seasonal allergy. Just a FYI bit of advice: keep an eye on her nails. My doc said the nails often accompany any skin probs. that may crop up and that changes in the nails usually show up first. Also, I noticed you said you were in the South. Where if you don’t mind my asking? I’m in Tennessee. Memphis.


    Post count: 93172

    Hi Flame, thanks for the advice…. however, at this point she’s wearing acrylic nails! I can’t win! She’s been taking the 24 hour antihistimine at night, and the itching has stopped. We live in Brandon, Mississippi,a suberb of Jackson.

    Post count: 93172

    I have been off Tapazole for almost a week because of a rash due to it. However, I am still itching. I am still on a beta-blocker which is not very effective. As its slight effect wears off, I itch more, especially my feet. There’s no rash, just itching. My doctor says to take the beta-blocker when I think I need it. The GD symptoms are all there in force, which is making me miserable. Do I take more or less? Does anyone else have this problem? I hope I can last to see a new doctor in 3 weeks.

    Post count: 93172

    I have been on Tapazole one month now. I too have experienced itching on my feet and hands. It is driving me crazy.
    Did you also have the itching when you were on Tapazole.

    I was going to call my dr., but I didn’t know which one to call. My family or the endo.

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