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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    I had RAI in May. My first bloodtest revealed a Free T4 of 2.81 and no TSH. My second bloodtest showed a Free T4 of 2.90 and still no TSH. Does this mean that the RAI is not working? Has anyone ever experienced this and it still made you hypo? I am gaining weight, loosing hair and my goiter has gone way down. I dont understand this. I go back to the doctor on the 15th. I would appreciate any input.



    Post count: 93172

    Hi Lynn:

    It sounds like maybe your thyroid levels are lagging somewhat behind your physiological responses to the RAI you received in May. I had my first round of RAI in August of 95 and my serum thyroid levels changed very little from those done at the time of diagnosis even though my actual symptoms were more indicative of hypothroidism. These symptoms in my case did not even begin to manifest until Christmas of 95; nearly four months after RAI. Some people’s response is more immediate and their blood levels may correlate more closely with their physical symptoms. As with everything else having to do with this disease, everyone is different. If your first dose of RAI was in May the standard of practice is not to repeat the RAI dosing again for at least six months. Give it some more time–chances are your blood levels will catch up with your current symptoms. FYI

    Luci in Texas

    Post count: 93172

    I had RAI in May of this year. My first blood test showed a Free T4 of 2.81 with zero TSH. My second blood test that I just got the results from showed a Free T4 of 2.90 and still no TSH. Is this a sign that the RAI is not working? Have any of you had results like this but still went hypo? I am gaining weight, loosing weight and my goiter seems to have gone way down. The letter I received from the doctor said that he remained hopeful my levels would come down but that we would discuss having to repeat the RAI. Any imput would be helpful.

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