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  • Anonymous
      Post count: 93172

      Does anyone have problems walking up steps? and does anyone have
      a hard time not moving around and doing something all the time?
      I just found out about this a awhile ago…now I know why i move so much and why
      mi find it hard to ligt my legs..thanks would like to know what other
      people do…

        Post count: 93172

        That is a typical hyperthyroid symptom. You may also notice that it is
        difficult to hold your arms up (brushing hair, etc.) for any length of
        time. Muscle symptoms go away quickly after treatment. Good luck!

          Post count: 93172

          i had my 5th knee surgery june 27, 97. it was called “cartlidge
          transplant” surgery. well you guessed it, it is not healing. i am
          sure the 35 pounds has not helped it, but now my doc tells me gd causes
          muscle loss. i was going to theropy 3 days a week, 3 hrs. a day, and
          working. i have never been so tired in my life, needless to say my
          muscles did not build up at all. my next option, knee replacement. oh..
          boy. the battle goes on…and…on.


            Post count: 93172

            I have been on a rigorous weight training program for six months and every session is torture. I’m told the key is consistency and in time, I’ll definitely see results…am still waiting…my endo thinks I’m pushing myself way too hard and should stick with just a moderate aerobics program 3 times per week. Physiologically, hyperthyroidism saps the ATP from the muscle cells, resulting in drastic reduction in the contractile ability of the fast and slow twitch muscle fibers. He tells me that normal muscle tone is one of the last things to come back in the GD recovery process. I have a terrible time with muscle cramping, even after I’ve performed long warm-up sessions prior to working out. I keep trying but some days I truly wonder if it’s ever going to pay off! Luci in Texas

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