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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Hi Fellow Warriors,
    Has anyone else had or heard of the laser treatment for dry eyes. This procedure permanently closes off the tear duct so that the eye is kept as moist as possible. I am scheduled to have this procedure next week but am reluctant until I hear of someone else that has heard of it or had it and been pleased with the results. Thanks.

    Post count: 93172

    I have just this week been diagnosed with Graves Disease. I have to make a decision within the next week or so on the type of treatment I want to have. Being a male of 53 years my initial direction would be for the removal of the thryoid via radiation. The taking of three medications per day, with their side effects at fairly regualated times does not appeal to me. I would appreciate feedback on both directions by patients who have walked this road.

    Post count: 93172

    I have just this week been diagnosed with Graves Disease. I have to make a decision within the next week or so on the type of treatment I want to have. Being a male of 53 years my initial direction would be for the removal of the thryoid via radiation. The taking of three medications per day, with their side effects at fairly regualated times does not appeal to me. I would appreciate feedback on both directions by patients who have walked this road.

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