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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Since there are lots of new people here, has anyone had eximer (sp?)
    on their eyes to correct nearsightedness? Quite a while ago I posted
    a message about my eyes starting to bugg out. Well, my doctor
    thinks now that my eyes were responding to the extreme stress
    of taking care of my dying Mother. Mom passed away four weeks
    ago. I went to the ophthalmologist yesterday and he said the
    improvement in my eyes was remarkable.

    Here’s the scoop. My vision is 20/650. As far as the cornias are
    concerned I am a perfect candidate for the laser surgery. But the
    Graves may be a complication. Apparently, any elective surgery
    on a graves patient eyes can cause complications. Has anyone had
    experience with this? Or know someone who has?


    Post count: 93172

    hey-someone who has my exact prescription-no one can ever
    believe it. My aunt called me about the laser surgery a couple
    of weeks ago, and I thought the Graves’ would be a problem.
    Last I knew, she was checking into it-but I certainly will let
    you know what I find out-or vice versa? Gee, it even helps to know
    someone with such severe nearsightedness is dealing with the
    Graves’ thing-I just had RAI yesterday-have only been diagnosed
    since May 8th and have had minimal eye involvement at this point.
    But as I’m sure you know, when your eyes are this bad, you don’t take
    your eyesight for granted-not that anyone else does either, but I’ve
    walked in to walls for years!!

    Post count: 93172

    Morning Warriors,

    OK, I posted last month that RK is not a good option for Graves folks to
    use for correcting vision. LASIK or laser surgery is a better option and
    can be used if your Graves eye disease is not really bad. Get a second
    opinion and go for it. The laser I was told does not effect the cornea
    like Radial Keratonmy (RK) where they actually cut the cornia. We can
    have it done and if it makes our lives better I say go for it. Just make
    sure your doctor knows you have Graves so they can evaluate you.

    Live well, See Better and Grandfather’s blessings,

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