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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    I just receieved the first pill for the uptake. I am supposed to go back in 6 hours. But I am wondering why the doc didnt order a scan along with it? I assumed that was just part of the procedure? Or did I misunderstand?

    Also, why in the world do I have to take a pregnancy test when I practice abstinence??? Unless you can get preganant by osmosis, I am absolutely not pregnant. Sigh…another blood test for no reason at all. I have deep veins; blood tests hurt.

    Kinda moschistic to pay people to hurt me..

    Anyway, should I ask for them to do a scan?

    It seems that this radioligist tries to get her patients euthyroid. I’m not so sure that is a good thing.
    Why am I anxious about all this?

    Post count: 93172

    I’m not sure why a doctor would or would not order a scan with an uptake test. Mine did, but I don’t know that you have to have it. Ask your doctor about it (but do it fast — they did my scan at 6 hours.)

    The pregnancy test seems like lawsuit avoidance. I didn’t have to take one for the scan, but one of the doctors I talked to insists on it for RAI. Not only that, he will only do RAI while you have your period (extra, super-duper proof that you’re not pregnant, aside from the lack of a sex life!)

    I’m not sure what your issue is about getting euthyroid. All doctors try to get you there. Is it that she’s administering a dose of iodine trying to get you euthyroid, as opposed to destroying the whole thing? Personally, that idea appeals to me (if it works), although none of the doctors I’ve spoken to take that approach. I really hate the idea of completely destroying my thyroid.

    Post count: 93172

    A friend of mine suspects she may have Graves, it runs in her family and she has many symptoms. Her endo ran some tests. Has anyone heard of a T uptake, where the test does not involve radioactive iodine, or a scan or anything like that. They only drew her blood, but when she asked for her test results, she got results on T4, FIT and T Uptake. Naturally, she can’t reach the doctor, but the nurse told her that it could be determined by blood tests. Anyone have a clue about this and FIT?

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