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  • Anonymous
      Post count: 93172

      I’m new to this bulletin board and I think it is great. I just had my radioactive treatment this past Friday. I was then given “great” news from the Radiologist; I would be radioactive for about three days. I was not to sleep in the same bed as my wife. I was to stay away from my kids. This wouldn’t be too bad but has anyone tried to stay away from a 7 month old? Anyway, I was “forced” to spend three days in a motel and missed a Hanukah party at my synagogue. I just wish my doctor would have told me this at the time we decided on the radioactive iodine. It would not have changed my decision to have the treatment but at least I could have planned for it better. Has anyone else been faced with this or was this just an unnecessary scare?

        Post count: 93172

        I think the jury is out on all these precautions. I just got my RAI treatment
        on Friday, also, and I could do whatever. I read in a book that most of the
        time these precautions are unnecessary. However, if the dose is high, then the
        precautions are justified. I’m very grateful that I didn’t have to alienate
        myself for these few days since I have a little one, too. I couldn’t bear being
        away from him. Just remember, those three days are supposed to help you for the
        rest of your life…


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