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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172


    This started last year as a joke but it went to far and I accpeted the challange. You see many people post about losing their hair and they are feeling bad about it. I did lose most of the hair in my beard and it came back. So I will attempt to show that even if I shave my locks I am still Jake!! A shiney pate maybe but still Jake. My haiar is going to the cnacer center to make a full head wig for someone who lost their hair.

    Mine will grow back theirs may not. And besides it should be a hoot!! I always wore a flat top so this long hair is driving me nuts!!!!!

    So send in your bucks to “scalp the Indian” if you will. Looking forward to getting it cut and helping out two causes at one time.

    Jake (Achgook)
    On-line Facilitator

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