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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Smiley, I DO have those people in my personal life, unfortunately.
    This BB has helped me so much with support I only find
    with my Mother. Last week end my son and future daughter-in-law
    invited me over for dinner. While there my son announced
    that he would NEVER go on disability. I told him to
    count his blessings that he has not been afflicted with
    something like Graves. His comments to me about he
    would be able to work through it anyway and now, since
    I have had my RAI I am “cured” were quite shocking
    and hurtful to me. I tried, just once, to tell him
    how last year I couldn’t even walk across the street to
    get the mail. He doesn’t seem to remember that last August
    I thought he was my brother instead of my son. Yes, my
    memory got that bad. But no, I should have been able to keep working.
    The rude comments about “now I should be able to lose weight”
    which, quite to my surprise, has started coming from my Mother. The one
    person who has been my support and so understanding. Even last year
    when I went through treatment for cancer, someone asked if I would get chemo as they thought it would be good for me so I could lose weight!
    I am constantly surprised and let feelings get wounded by
    people and thier outrageous, thoughtless comments. As difficult
    as it is, you, like me, have to learn to avoid the subject of Graves
    at all costs. If they ask, just tell them you are fine and then
    talk to us on the BB. You are welcome to e-mail me anytime as I know
    EXACTLY what you are going through. I hope it helps knowing
    that others are in the same boat.
    Take care and God bless!

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