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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    I’m not sure what your doctor means by saying you’re having an allergic reaction to yourself, unless he’s trying to explain auto-antibodies in simple terms. If you’ve been given prednisone, it would be to suppress your immune system, which doesn’t sound like your immune system is suppressed (did he mean the other way around by chance)? Ask him exactly what your immune system is attacking that requires prednisone to calm it down. Do you mind sharing your “weird symptoms”?

    Don’t worry that you’re whining and complaining. People who talk that way simply do not know what it’s like in your shoes, and I can’t imagine anything more arrogant than for one person to think because he/she doesn’t have real problems, someone else doesn’t either. You will get support here from the rest of us. Labels like whining or complaining are used by people who don’t know how to deal with others’ problems–it’s a form of denial. I see you telling about some real problems that have caused you serious difficulty.

    Ask your doctor how he can tell if it’s RAI or the ATD’s bringing your thyroid levels down. I’m not aware that there’s a way to tell for sure, except that your dose of ATD’s should decrease and cease if the RAI is working.

    Best wishes,
    Dianne W

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