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    Sorry for the confusion but I,m not exactly sure what she meant myself. Something about my immune system being affected by the g.d.. My sister-in-law who is a nurse explained it to me is your body tricked itself into thinking it is allergic to something and the prednisone tricks it back into not being allergic.
    As for weird symptoms I mean like when trying to go to sleep, when I,m almost asleep, I have a startle reflex that jerks me awake and then my heartbeat goes up, like an adrenalin rush, and I feel like I,m shaking. Then I have a fluttering feeling in my chest or like a heavy feeling (I,m not really sure how to desctibe it) but it makes me feel like my heart is beating fast and my metabolism is speeding up. Sometimes I get this feeling after I eat. I was at the ER last week and they checked my heart out and it was fine.
    Lately, I,ve had terrible feeling of anxiety like I,m going to die, feeling totally doomed and scared and panicked. Which affects my breathing which makes it worse.(like panick attacks, maybe). And depression.
    I,m disappointed I haven,t gone hypo yet after 12 weeks, thought maybe I was, but all the symptoms seem to be on the hyper side. Even my dr. says wait to get my blood test because it sounds like I,m still hyper. He said if you are hypo you don,t have the heart symptoms, sleeping problems etc. Thanks Dianne for the concern,
    Norma ff

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