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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Is anyone able to access the BB from a browser yet? I still have to use the IP address to get here. But I think some folks might be getting here from web browsers. I say that because we could not access the BB for over a month from here but there were postings up to two weeks ago. So some folks have been able to reach the server and some of us have not.

    I would be interested to know how you got back to us. If you had to use the IP address do not e-mail me. If you got to us through a link or a browser please send me an e-mail and tell us how you found us.

    We are having fits with the web browsers changing to our new server location. I know some have done it but I do not know which ones.

    On-line Facilitator

    Post count: 93172

    I have been accessing the BB through and I have had to use the back button on my browser to switch from one message to the next. The “next message” and “previous message” links don’t seem to be working.

    Anyone else having to do this?


    Post count: 93172


    I checked my old button for the BB and yes it now works.
    The next message and previous buttons on the BB work too.

    Michele B.

    Post count: 93172

    I use Metacrawler, which covers about 7-8 browsers and it finally clicked
    thru on the link today.

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