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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    My endo says it takes 6 weeks for dosage to take effect, so I think
    you are expecting too much too quickly. I think you’re making a big
    mistake trying to manage without a Dr. My levels have fluctuated all
    over the place, and I make sure the endo has any symptomatic changes
    recorded in my chart to help monitor whats happening. Because of how
    the BBS is set up, my guess would be that if I posted a response with
    my opinion about how to experiment with dosage, I’d be banned for life.
    I don’t always agree with them, but I think you need to have a doctor.
    Good luck

    Post count: 93172

    Has anyone thought of or have increased their dosage of synthroid even though the levels were so called, “normal”? I tried increasing my dosage from 100 to 125 approx. (I half the pill then quarter it) I had the RAI over a yr ago and started synthroid at 100 in December 1997. Its only been a week, I thought I would try it for a couple weeks to see if I felt better. Am I doing the right thing. Has anyone had any good results from this? I no longer have a Endo or a doctor so its “on my own time”

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