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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Dear Lori:

    I empathize with your nerves about RAI. Even though my own mother had had RAI about 25 years before me, and I knew that it had made her well again, when it came time to swallow that pill I was still nervous.

    I wish you luck, and good health soon.

    Bobbi — NGDF Online Facilitator

    Post count: 93172

    I’m having my RAI on Monday. I’ve been reading that I will feel more hyper after I have it – I can’t imagine feeling worse than I do. But I do strongly believe that a positive attitude helps. Bobbi, I liked how you said that the dumping is a sign that the RAI is working.

    I’m thankful for this board and the positive support. I recently read another board and it was full of fear and negativity. I’m a bit scared to have the RAI done because there’s no guarantee how I will feel, but this board is full of positive people.

    Please think of me Monday and pray that I will start feeling well soon. I’ll keep you posted!


    Post count: 93172


    Wishing you lucky on Monday. We will be thinking of you. Try not to be too nervous remember you will be on your way to recovery and feeling whole again.


    Post count: 93172

    Nervous about having RAI? Hmmmmmm, I guess I never understand that. It’s as easy as swallowing a pill and going back to work. You feel a bit more hyper in the next few days, but I guess I was just in the mind set of thank goodness they found out what is wrong with me, since I had been sick for years and I’m on my way to getting well. I enbraced RAI.

    Post count: 93172

    How are you doing? We are all thinking about you!! What did they say about being around the children?


    Post count: 93172

    It went fine, no problem at all. A friend of ours put me up at his hotel and it was nice to relax, watch movies and sleep ’til 8 am. Not easy to do with a three year old that gets up around 6:00 EVERY DAY!!

    He told me that I could not hug, kiss, hold or snuggle with the boys for four days. I told the boys that they could not use my bathroom and they were a bit confused, but what can you expect from a 3yr and 6yr old. The boys are fine with it now, but by Thursday I’m sure it will be hard for all of us.

    My husband is going out of town tomorrow on business, so trying to juggle them without getting too close ought to be fun – LOL.

    Thank you so much for ALL your support on this board!!!

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