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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    I had been on intervenous steroids on about 7 different
    occasions at 1,000 grams each. These treatments for me
    were done on an emergency basis as my sight was really going downhill. I still needed 3 wal endoscopic decompression surgery after being on such a high dose.

    If you go on a high dose such as I did you break out in a sweat and devekop a rapid heartbeat. You also become quite hyper. I was warned but it never happened that at a high dose you may experience hallucinogenic affects ( like bugs crawling up the wall)

    If you have any more questions, please feel free to e-mail me.

    NGDF, Asst. online facilitator

    Post count: 93172

    Hi All
    Has anyone had intravenous steroids for Graves’ Eye Disease?
    If so, how many times? What were the immediate, and long-term, effects? Thank you for responses.

    Post count: 93172

    Hi, everybody. I’m one of those “supportive spouses” — oh, yeah! So, here’s my question. My husband’s ophth just recommended three 1000mg jolts of Prednisone, then he’s to wait four weeks, maybe repeat this course, and then do the orbital irradiation. I can’t find any literature on the Internet about pulse steroids for GD. Does anybody know anything about this? Thanks!

    Post count: 93172

    I thought I remembered reading about people’s experiences with this type of treatment, so I did a search on pulse AND steroids and I found a few posts from people who have gone through this. Apparently, pulse steroids (intravenously) typically are used to quickly reduce the inflammation.

    In the posts that came up with the search, some people referred to “pulsing” doses of steroids, by which they meant they were put on an extraordinarily LOW dose of steroids by mouth that continued for a longer period of time than is anticipated by other methods, which was meant to keep the swelling down long term. I realize that’s not what your husband is facing.

    You could run the same search — there is a little more information there than I am providing here — but at least now you know people here HAVE had the treatment!

    NGDF Assistant Online Facilitator

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