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    Post count: 93172

    Dianne W,

    You throw about “semi-educated” very readily. I would appreciate it–assuming that you were directing the comment my way–if you would
    cut and paste any parts of my posts which are flawed. Not only would it support your wild assertions, but it very well might keep me from making some serious mistakes.

    I can’t remember the name of the rare disease or genetic defect, but a boy’s parents were forced to research and develop a special combination of oils because the “fully-educated” medical experts were out to tea or something. Ask boys like the aforementioned whether they are concerned with the pedigree of the original admixture’s (oils) purveyors…be sure to tell ol’ Thomas Edison not to bother tinkering with that electrical stuff, leave it to the experts. I would LOL were this board not populated by such tragedy, Dominic

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