Hi everybody! I could really use some advice!!! About 4 yrs. ago I had 10 mil. of radiation and that didn’t even phase my thyroid so they gave me 10 more mil. about 4 months after that. And right before Thanksgiving last year I had 24mil.(enough to knock out 5 thyroids, according to my endo!!) and that hasn’t seemed to be doing anything either. I am still hyper!!! They won’t do surgery because they say that I have too much scar tissue because of all the radiation. I have another endo appointment next week, they want to do another dose of radiation. I don’t know if I want to go that route. Obviously to me, my body is resistent to radiation for some reason! So does anybody out there have any advice for me that I can take to my endo. I don’t think I can keep going through this much longer! Thanx in advance for any advice I can get. God Bless You All, Pam