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  • Anonymous
      Post count: 93172

      Hi Judy! Welcome to our GD family! I’m glad to hear that life after GD treatment is pretty wonderful. At this point, that’s my biggest concern – what’s next?!

      I had RAI six years ago, multiple eye surgeries, and am on daily Synthroid (which is not accurately adjusted yet.) My doctors say that a recurrence of the eye troubles or any of the other symptoms (i.e. skin rash or nodules on the shins) is pretty unlikely, but they really don’t know. Everyone with GD has such different stories.

      Did you have eye surgery? Beyond puffiness, any other eye problems?

      Thanks in advance, Debby

        Post count: 93172

        Hi Judy! Welcome, and we hope you will stick around. It’s nice to hear some encouraging news about the future with GD! I had RAI in June, and am in the process of getting the replacement levels adjusted, and having unpleasant hypo symptoms. When I had the RAI, I thought I was just about through the worst of things. I keep thinking that, and it hasn’t happened yet, which gets discouraging sometimes. Rachel and DonnaN and I just had a nice chat in the Support.Group.Com chat room. Hope you’ll get registered (check the SupportGroup homepage out), and join us all December 11th (I think). Dianne N

          Post count: 93172

          Hi Guys,

          I was diagnosed with Graves 25 years ago, just after the birth of my second
          daughter. (I am 50 years old now). I started having symptoms when Jackie was
          about 4 months old-weight loss, diarrhea, nervousness, and eventually tremors,
          tachycardia and eye problems. I was diagnosed when the baby was a year old, and was supposed
          and was supposed to have surgery, but I developed a severe reaction to the
          Tapazol I was taking, and ended up having radioactive iodine treatment. The
          treatment made me Hypothyroid, and I have been on synthroid ever since. For
          what it’s worth, I do have residual symptom-My eyes bother me-they are still
          puffy, and I have a problem with dry eye-as well as occasional heart “flutters”
          and my energy level just never went back to what it was. But in general I feel
          ok. I also have been able to keep my weight at a normal level, as long as I watch
          what I eat, and excercize. Basically, I live a normal life.

          I was alarmed at how sick some of the people posting to this bulletin board
          are. Are you taking synthroid? Have you recently been diagnosed? I know that
          in my case it took along time to figure out what was going on-I thought at
          one point I was having a nervous breakdown.

          If anyone wants to E-Mail me, I would love to hear from you. It’s great that
          this group exists. I wish it existed 25 years ago.


            Post count: 93172

            Hi Debbie,

            It was great to hear from you! I never had eye surgery. I had originally

              Post count: 93172

              Hi Debbie,

              It was great to hear from you! I never had eye surgery. I had originally

                Post count: 93172

                Hi Debbie,

                It was great to hear from you! I never had eye surgery. I had originally
                been told that my eyes would “go back to normal” after treatment. They did
                go down, but have remained puffy and bloodshot-I am always being told that
                I look tired! I am sensitive to light, and am careful not to go out without
                sunglasses. I also suffer from dry eye. I use artificial tears, which helps a lot.
                a lot- I was geting broken blood vessels in my eye, and little sharp pains
                inside the eye-that scared me until I spoke to an opthamologist! the pains
                were tiny blood vessels breaking, and the artificial tears seem to ease
                that problem. (By the way, the dry eye started a few years ago-I guess it’s
                a long term side effect from the Graves)

                I considered surgery mostly for cosmetic reason, but decided that it was
                silly to do it for reasons of vanity.

                How long did it take for the Graves to be diagnosed? Do they feel you will
                need more surgery?


                  Post count: 93172

                  Hi Dianne,

                  Thanks for the welcome! Now if I can figure out how to post to this thing
                  without doing everything twice!

                  I went from hyper to hypo after my RAI. It can be hairy until they get the
                  dosage adjusted. Over the years I have had to have adjustements
                  periodically. Stress can “kick it up”, So can a weight loss. I kind of can
                  tell when I’m not “running right”

                  I’ll try to be at the chat on the 11th. Again, thanks for the welcome!


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