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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Thanks everyone and Debbie for support and encouragement. I went to the eye doc and he measured my eyes and did the whole bit. It was the first time in my life that I have had my pupils dialated. What a trip! One eye is bigger, which I didn’t need a doctor to tell me, but he said the eye muscles look good at this time. He’s not going to do anything with my eyes yet because they are probably still in “active” phase.

    Since my antibodies showed up in my blood one year after my abalation, new symptoms are showing up. For instance, my memory is REALLY bad now. When I was first diagnosed , the endo asked me about my memory and I said I really didn’t notice anything wrong with it. Now I notice a definite problem. My eyes, emotions and being tired are other new symptoms. I have found I need to slow down and not take the whole world on at once these days.

    I have a newfound respect and sympathy for people living with Graves and other life-affecting conditions.

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