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  • Anonymous
      Post count: 93172


      I’m sorry to hear no one replied to your previous post. I would definitely like to hear what worked for you. Please feel free to email me if you would rather not post. Also, while I’m afraid some new posters do fall through the cracks here, just because there is no reply doesn’t mean they haven’t received email from people on the board. When I first posted, I got several emails, but no reply posts. Hope to hear more from you!


        Post count: 93172

        I am curious and would like to know if any one on this BB has any interest in feeling/being well? Why do I ask that question? Some weeks ago I posted a message about how well I am feeling after more than 2 years in the depths of hell. The message was brief because, being a 1st time poster, I didn’t want to take up a lot of space and I was bit hesitant to post. I thought there might be some little interest in what treatments,etc I have followed that allow me to experience the joy of living again – not just existence, not mere feeling ok but the full-fledged JOY of being alive. There was absolutely no response-no posting, no e-mails-nothing,zero,zip,nada . No queries, no interest expressed, no comments of any kind. What an infinitely sad group of people you are. Please take a few minutes to think about it. Yes, to answer your next question, I posted under my “real” name and gave my e-mail. Why was I hesitant to post? After reading posts from 1996 to the present i noticed that a large number of first time posters are ignored including those who post as desperately needing information. Why is this?
        There are some of you for whom I really feel a great deal, like Barb, who seems to be a truly compassionate person.
        I feel for Tom is so desperately seeking answers/proofs. He reminds me of what I went through and how others thought I was a “very unpleasant person” to put it mildly. I found my answer and I’m sure he will too. As for me, I see no point in visiting this BB anymore.

          Post count: 93172

          Dear Curious
          If its not too too late I would like to ask you how are you doing,I really feel that this bb did fail you because of all the BS thats been going on at this board,but maybe you will let us make up for it now,would you let us do this for you,I hope so,as I for one would love to hear your story and insight you have into the not so nice disease we all have here. I have a few places I have to go this afternoon but I will look forward to seeing your post when I get back if you would consider or should I say re-consider and give us another chance at our BB as we usually do pretty good here.
          and by the way thank-you for the nice and kind words you had for meI could just put you in my pocket and take you with me everywhere I go as you are so good for my self-esteem,luv ya for that,and have a good day everyone and I hope where ever yous live there is sunshine outside for all of you,just smile and enjoy the little chic-adees singing outside Take Care Everyone

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