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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Iam wondering the same thing myself. Being 13 weeks post RAI I am looking for any signs that I might be going hypo. My legs are starting to get terrible cramps and weakness in my arms. I also have some signs of being hyper like heart palps, not being able to sleep, nervousness, anxiety etc. Maybe someone who has already been through this can answer, I sure could use the input also.
    I also found a really good site with detailed hypo symptoms, and heart palps was one of them. If you would like the URL let me know.

    Take care,

    Post count: 93172

    Thank you norma & dianne,
    The trouble is that the GP I see thinks that once I’ve had 1 euthyroid reading then once every 3 months is fine. The last endo I saw refused to see me again. So for me to get anything more than a subjective estimate of my T4 & 3 levels I will have to travel about 100 miles or try to find a new GP. I live in a THIRD WORLD COUNTRY, England.

    So please, If anyone can give some input as to whether I am hypo or hyper: Most mornings lately I feel restless have palpitations, and my hands shake, So I kept upping the PTU to 450 / D which makes no difference. Lately I have been taking temazapam in the morning. My temperature is low at 97.4
    Linda (graves)

    Post count: 93172

    Hi Linda
    Restlessness, palpitations and tremor are all hyper problems, but severely hypo people can have similar symptoms.

    A low temperature doesn’t necessarily mean you are hypo – I have a low temperature and I am definitely hyper.

    When did you have your last blood test, and what were your results then? What is your heart rate (beats per minute)?

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