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  • Anonymous
      Post count: 93172

      Hello , Cthap you came to the right place,there are people here who
      can give the right information,about being hyperhypo where all one of these,i was hyper, now im hypo.

      you must see your gp, and get some bloodwork done ,this is how they determine alot about your thyroid .
      In the mean while try to relax ,and somebody i promise will get to you.Sometimes there are night owls like me
      who cant sleep,who surf the board,im sure by tomorrow,some of your questions will be answered by some
      experienced friends.

      take care,


        Post count: 93172


        I am new to thyroid disorders, and I am sure I have one or the other. I
        am going to see a doctor soon. I am very underweight for my age and height,
        this may seem like hyperthyroidism but I get some of the syptoms that a person
        with hypothyroidism may get. Is it possible for someone who is very underweight
        to get hypothyroidism? By the way, I don’t eat any seafood, which i know
        is rich in iodine, can this contribute any bit to hypothyroidism? I know
        that this bulletin board deals with Graves’ Disease, but this is the only
        place i can ask. Thank you..


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