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  • SEA
      Post count: 1

      My wonderful Endo retired :( and the new one thinks I have Hashimoto’s.
      I have been in remission from Graves for four years.

      here are my labs from this week, and also from March (7 months ago) for a comparison.

      Thyroglobulin antibodies
      March <1
      Oct untested

      March 264
      Oct 183

      March .9
      Oct 1.0

      Total t4
      March 109
      Oct 113

      Does this sound like hashis in addition to remission Graves? The TPO seems down from March (?(
      (Two different
      labs so I know they’re not exact)

      Online Facilitator
        Post count: 4294

        Hello – We’re fellow patients and aren’t allowed to interpret labs, but here is some general info that will hopefully be of interest.

        TPOab and TGab are “markers” for autoimmune thyroid disease. They are very common in Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, but a certain percentage of Graves’ patients (even those who do not have HT) test positive for them.

        I would really encourage you to get a hard copy of your labs, so you can see where your levels are compared to the lab’s “normal” reference ranges – and keep track of them over time. Different labs can use different “normal” ranges, so the actual numbers are only useful in the context of your specific lab’s range. Are your levels right in the middle? At the upper end? The lower end?

        How are you feeling? Symptoms of hypOthyroidism can include can include fatigue, joint pain, unexplained weight gain, constipation, dry skin, cold intolerance, and slow pulse.

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