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  • Anonymous
      Post count: 93172

      Change brands of eye drops. Look for ones w/o preservatives. There are many choices. Use the drops. Bruce recommended tofu on your eyes, I tried it and like it. I use cucumbers, and it gives a differnt relief. Tie either of these on with a tie on eye mask (sleep mask) or use a scarf. Try taping saran wrap over your eyes at night, no not on the eyeball, silly. Use surgical tape easier on the face. Try different brands of these. Water in swim goggles sounds nice if it is saline water not tap water, but I don’t know about all night like that…hmm. Take every opportunity to get into moist places (baths are nice). Set up the humidifier next to your bed, you know, the little one that we set up next to our kids beds when they have the croup? They can be bought at the drug store for about 10-20 dollars. they are called something like cold mist humidifiers. You can also add a little aromatic oil to these humidifiers..perhaps an aromatherapy person could suggest a pleasent oil to add to the machine. Are you seeing an ophtalmologist who specializes in thryoid related eye problems? Sleep well tonight. KarenB

        Post count: 93172

        My eyes have become so swollen that when I close my eyes to go to sleep, they do not fully close.
        It has come to the point that I have tape my eyelids shut with scotch tape in order to keep them
        fully closed! I have been told that eyedrops cause more crystallization and therefore more irritation
        so I have stopped using them. I was even told by a Dr. that one of his patients sleeps with swimming
        goggles on with a small amount of water in them to mstop them drying out! I am sore from taping my
        eyes and embarrassed.

        Does anyone have any idea on how to keep my eyes from drying out at night? PLEASE HELP , ANY INFO


        DRY EYES

          Post count: 93172

          Ask your doctor about a silicon gel you can warm up. You wrap it in saran wrap and fasten it around your head to cover your eyes. Not beautiful, but it works somewhat. It’s too bad about the drops causing you trouble because keeping your eyes moist is important. I used a steroid creme. Keep asking your doctor!

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