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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    who really knows????? Lets say that you take .1 and lets say that this month you got a batch that was mostly higher …..lets say you got even half of them that were equiv to .130 that would mean that you got .030 more a day times 15 days or 450 mcg more than you were supposed to..
    take that month for the person on .1 that would be four extra days worth
    of meds and a little added anxiey for 15 days and other various assundries……..does anyone know how to pull a file and download it to this board so that everyone can read it??? i feel it is very important

    Post count: 93172

    In light of this new information brought to us by the Federal Register
    and the synthroid potency problems for shelf life, etc. it makes me
    wonder how much of our meds are we really getting into our bodies. Are there any
    pharmaceutical experts out there to give us their opinion on this?
    If our endocrinilogists are basing it on our TSH levels it is my guess these are
    all swayed by the amount of synthroid absorbed on that given day? or
    would rhis problem balance itself out?

    Any additional comments, thoughts and fears.


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