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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    I just found my way to this site surfing the net.
    I have had graves for about 1 1/2 years. As a single professional guy, 32, I was wondering how others men and women handle telling their dates that they have graves disease. I am not a bad looking guy, good personality, athletic and in the dating scene since having graves once i share this with someone I am interested in they avoid me like the plague! Has anyone else experienced this? I have gotten remarks like- “OOOh, I have heard about that disease.”. “You are going to put on a lot of weight.” and one date told me”My sister has graves and has a lot of eye problems and mood swings and isn’t it unusual for a guy to have this?”

    Any input from singles, divorced or seperated.
    I look for ward to hearing from you all!

    Post count: 93172

    I’m 31 single, not bad looking, creative and in the dating scene. I think it’s important to stress that Graves is due to an inbalance with the thryroid and not in itself a “grave” disease.
    The name can be a bit intimidating, as for telling someone about your condition I wouldn’t hit them with it too soon into dating. It is also a good way to weed people out in the world of dating. If they aren’t understanding and sympathetic in this situation it tells alot about themselves. When I told my now ex-boyfriend about Graves, he said his father was a thyroid specialist and was very familiar with the disease himself. That really made me feel great, especially because I thought he would think I was a four eyed monster. Sometimes we dion’t give people enough credit. It will all work out.

    A fellow single with Graves,

    Post count: 93172

    I’m single, and I have a wonderful gentleman that I have been with for 2 1/2 years, and he has seen me go through the night sweats, mood changes, the screaming and hollering. He firsted noticed I was out of sorts. He went to the doctor with me to find out what was going on.

    He has been a support system for me, (beside the support group here). I you found someone that wants to love you for you, then it is just another part of life that they will go through with you.

    It is like having any thing else (diabetics, weight gaining, losing weight),

    Graves Disease is not the end of the world it is something that is managable. If a woman does not want to take the time to found out about exaclty what Graves Diseases is and not what they think it is. I would not want any one around that is sucking up my positive enery with there negative enery.

    If you a dating someone and things get serious tell them, It is not like you have any thing catchable.,

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