I couldn’t believe what my doctor told me yesterday!!!!!
My last two batches of Armour thyroid were smelly and the less effective
than in the past, resulting in a weight gain of 6 pounds, cold body temperature,
and leg muscle cramps.
I took the latest back to the pharmacist to see what he thought. He
said the generics, to which I had an effectiveness problem a couple of
years ago, used to smell like this and he would know if the FDA had
issued a recall so there was probably nothing wrong.
Then at my quarterly visit to my endo yesterday, I had him sample the
odorous bottle and he said that there’s only one factory which is now
making all the Armour thyroid, brand name and generic. They just slap
a different lable on the bottle.
The same thing with my brand name hypertensive pills, which were just
switched from zestril to prinivil. That’s why he was so sure they were
just the same.
So what are we really buying, peoples?
For full replacement folks like myself, this medicine is what keeps us
Of course, my TSH will be okay!
We need to have more of an influence on how our replacement therapy is
determined!! Any suggestions ????????????