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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Hi, everybody. I just got back home from Alaska, and I have to tell you that this trip was one of my more brilliant ideas. It was superb! I was able to do a lot, see a lot, relax a lot and just enjoy some of the most gorgeous scenery in the world. Having a “floating hotel” really fit my current levels of energy — when I got tired, I could simply sit on deck and watch the views — which were spectacular–and not feel like I was missing out on anything. Like I said, a brilliant idea! I really do feel revitalized.

    A true highlight was meeting up with SAS and her husband in Vancouver. They took me all over their absolutely gorgeous city, and out into the mountains, and made me feel like an old friend (well, let’s forget the “old”). I have a lot to thank this board for — the support when I’ve been feeling low, the information on it. But, now, too, I can thank it for the opportunity it has given me to become friends with some super people.

    There was one experience on shipboard, that I found very interesting. We were given seating assignments for dinner, and I ate with the same group of seven people all week. Most of them were my age, or only slightly older, and it was a very congenial group. During the course of the week, I discovered that four of us were taking thyroid replacement hormone! It’s one thing to read statistics about how becoming hypothyroid is common as we get older. But it was still surprizing to me that in a random seating assignment, I could find evidence that this is true.

    Wishing all a good day as I go to catch up on pages of email.

    Bobbi —

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