Questions, questions…Oh what would a Graves disease person do without them
has anyone out there had ther antbodies tested post rai
even a coupple years later……???
Why once you are given the rai does the dr not check it usually?
Could it be that the antibodies are still ravaging our system years later?
Has anyone ever heard of taking ptu with synthyroid?
i am thinking that this may be a problem for a lot of us that dont feel well after treatment. does anyone else think that maybe the antibodies get worse as we raise our dosage????
i truely think that this is what takes many of us ten years to feel better…the antibodies finally calm down… one dr of the about 5 i saw suggested that i take ptu and synthyroid and it was about 3 yrs after rai because she did the only antibody test i have ever done and found it was still high…of course at that time my eyes were going nutso…..
I really didnt like her and never went back…i thought that sounded crazy
but now i wonder…….
anyone else have feelings about this?????