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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Johnson’s makes a gel. It is like the Johnspn’s baby oil but thicker and stays on. After a bath/shower do not dry off- just put the gel on her legs or her dry skin- it will stop the itching and dry skin.

    Post count: 93172

    My itchy skin turned out to be eczema. I agree with payson on the treatment. If it is something like that and can be controlled with lotions, etc, then no visit to the dermatologist would be called for.

    If it is eczema, repeated scratching will raise red scabby bumps on the skin over time. To avoid this, I use something like the Johnson’s gel or any moisturizing (unscented) lotion.


    Post count: 93172

    AFter I had my RAI I was itchy too. Not really really bad, but noticeable. It went away after a few days.

    I felt warm too.

    My friend said her mom felt that way when she had radiation for cancer (I know it’s different).

    take care.

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