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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Shannon – I’ve had lots of skin rashes (mostly in the summer) through the
    years and I don’t think in my case they were related to Graves as I was
    just idagnosed in Feb. so maybe this won’t help you. The best thing I’ve
    ever used is a topical ointment prescription drug that my dermatologist
    prescribed called Beta-Val cream (Betmathasone Valerate).

    Good luck!


    Post count: 93172

    Thanks for the suggestion Sue. Since there isn’t a Dermatologist
    here, I well mention this to my new GP when I get to see him.
    I just took a soak in the tub and then slathered Keri lotion all
    over and I’m still scratching! I hope this GP knows is stuff :-)

    Much happiness,

    Post count: 93172


    When you said you put on lotion and are still itchy that reminded me of when my skin is too dry and how the lotion makes it worse for me cause then it starts to hurt too.

    What about baking soda in the bath tub? I think this is what I did for my kids when they had the chicken pox. I think it is supposed to stop the itching. My husband just said something else they have for the kids chicken pox and itching, some product made with oatmeal. That goes in the bath tub also.

    What is causing your itching? If I ever get to itchy, I cheat and just put on gobs of neosporin then I go to bed.

    I hope you get relief soon. I am starting to itch just thinking about itching.

    Good Luck……………….Michele

    Post count: 93172

    Does anyone have any suggestions or know of a product that helps
    the skin stop itching? in the years of living with GD this is the
    first year that I’ve experienced such a problem. My baby soap doesn’t
    even help anymore! I feel like I’m going crazy, it feels like I have
    pricky heat or something. Anyone would think I’m unclean the way
    I’ve been scratching! even my SO said “go take a shower”, He
    was just kidding because I just had one, but the comment still ticked
    me off! it’s agonizing. I remember years ago I went to a sun solarium
    and got a rash that itched like crazy. That’s what this reminds me
    of. If anyone has encountered a similar problem and knows of something
    that can help PLEASE let me know. I would be grateful.

    Love to all,

    Post count: 93172

    The bath treatment with oatmeal ia Aveeno, it works in most cases. I also get the VERY ithcy skin. I had to stop using all deoderant soaps and switch to oil of Olay body wash. I also stopped using Cheer and All. They are very harsh on the skin. Good Luck…


    Post count: 93172

    Hi Shannon dear! I have off and on problems with the itching skin myself, it will wake me up in the middle of the night (grrrrr).

    My doc said to put ice on it for fast relief, that is the only thing that has really worked well for me.


    Post count: 93172


    I don’t know if this will help or not, but I use a product called Bag Balm. It’s used on cow’s udders, but it works well with dry itchy skin. It also works well on dry and chapped hands, feet, and elbows. It is a little greasy, but just wipe off the excess. I’m not real crazy about the smell, but it is antiseptic. It’s really cheap too, here in Oregon, it costs less than $4. You might give it a try.


    Post count: 93172

    Yep—tried that bag balm it is about ten dollars out east here in the city with no cows for miles…couldnt stand the slimy feeling feels like vaseline only about ten times thicker…
    ….did anyone mention good ole colliatal oatmeal?? I dip my kids in the tub when they get anything itchy like that and i think we used it for chicken pox itch relief after contageousness went away…..try it and good ole vaseline or baby oil while still in the shower before you get out and pat dry… mom has used vaseline on her face for years and everyone comments on her complexion …we arent sure how old she really is but figure shes over seventy now…..
    sometimes the old fashioned stuff works better than these expensive concoctions now a days……

    Post count: 93172

    For those of you that want, try your local Wal*Mart. I work at Wal*Mart since I went back to school. There is also a new version of it in a tube that is small enough to carry in your purse.

    Also, my dermatologist (before I knew I had Grave’s) prescribed Eucerin cream for my dry itchy skin. It now also comes in a lotion. It is expensive, but like Loreal says: “I’m worth it!


    Post count: 93172

    Hi! After my yearly physical, my Dr. recommended further blood tests and scan, which resulted in: my TSH was < 0.03 ,T3 H41, T4 12.8, T-7 5.2 scan showed the thyroid is normal in size, and the 4 and 24 hr. uptakes were 33% and 52% after oral radioactive capsule. Impression was Toxic Diffuse Goiter. Met the endo last week who diagnosed it as Graves Disease. All this is very confusing and new to me. I don't take any other meds. except for my allergy pills as needed, so the meds is something I have to think about. The Dr. recommended either the radioactive treatment or the pills (3Xdaily) I am sure you all know which ones I mean. I haven't decided what to do yet. I have no symptoms of hyperthroidism (weight, hair loss, etc) . On occassion my heart races but can't tell if this is a symptom or just nervousness/stress? Endo. pescribed a beta blocker to help with the "racy heart" which stopped the fast heartrate after one pill, which also made me dizzy so I stopped taking the rest. So I am researching data to decide what to do. Any suggestions you all may have would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Rose.

    Post count: 93172

    I personally would try the ptu or tapazol first…..only my opinion

    Post count: 93172

    Hi Rose..and others thinking about what treatment.

    Rose, from what you shared, your circumstances might respond really well to one of the antithyroid drugs. If you were on a methimazole type drug ( I am on one of them called Tapazole) you would only have to take it one time a day. I decided, in an effort to easily take it just with water..and hopefully maximize the consistency of my absorption, etc. to take it at bedtime. I have had no reactions to it at all ( on it since last November ). I was totally resistant to the idea of the thyroid blocker drugs until I researched all the treatments more. ( I have a an unusual reason that surgery didn’t get a high mark from me).
    Dianne’s letter is a helpful look at the decision process. It is so hard to decide. As I reflect on all the answers folks on this board and others gave me to the survey about, symptoms. treatment and post treatment well being…that would lead me to make the same choice I have made..give the anti thyroid drugs a chance.

    Best Wishes to you. Jeannette

    Post count: 93172

    My daughter had RAI Feb. 1st. Tonight she is crawling out of her skin she is so itchy!! Has anyone else experienced that and is there anything you can do to help it?

    Post count: 93172

    I read somewhere that itching can be liver related, just my two cents

    Post count: 93172

    Itchy skin can also be a sign of hypothyroidism, so it may be a good idea to do blood work.
    NGDF Assistant Online Facilitator

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