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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Hi ros,

    What you’re experiencing *might* be a “teeter totter” effect from starting your medications — most doctors like to wait about 6 weeks until they take labs after starting or changing meds, just because it takes about that long for our bodies to stabilize. Even so, with a pulse rate as high as yours, it would be a good idea to at least call the endo and let them know what you’re going through. They may well ask you to have labs done to see where you’re at. Let them know if these symptoms are constant or transient — it makes a difference.

    Rest assured that you WILL feel better — believe it or not, though it feels like you’ve been getting this treated “forever,” you still have some adjusting to go through. But it DOES get better, you WILL feel normal. I completely understand the feeling of wanting to get it over with — I have two small children myself — and the best advice I can give you on how to get there faster is RELAX. I know, it’s the last thing you FEEL, but it really does help. Take some pressure off yourself, give yourself a break, let yourself heal.

    Let us know how it’s going!

    NGDF Assistant Online Facilitator

    Post count: 93172

    I had Grave’s disease and had the radiation treatment 4 months ago. Two and a half weeks ago I finally felt better and started my synthroid. I started feeling shaky again 2 days ago and my chest has started hurting more and my pulse is 90-100. Is this part of the adjustment of the medicine or is my medicine too high?

    Also, has anyone continued to have chest pain (light) after getting off the inderal or is my heart problem not related to grave’s disease?

    When should I feel better? I have two small children and I am so tired of feeling terrible and not being able to function as I should. When will my hair quit falling out and not be so frizzy? How long does this take once the synthroid starts?

    Please e-mail me with the answers to these questions if anyone knows. I can’t find the answer anywhere.

    Post count: 93172

    thanks! I went to the endo and did some lab work today but haven’t gotten the results. It takes til Monday to get them back. Meanwhile, he told me to stop taking the medicine. I hope this is the right thing to do.

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