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  • Anonymous
      Post count: 93172

      PSK: No, I do not think that the Tapazole would do that. It made me feel great; however, everyone reacts differently to medications, so I would talk to the doctor.

      Good Luck! Are you taking beta-blockers? Inderal made all the difference in the world for me!

      Lynne Cody

        Post count: 93172

        Regarding feeling like you are dying. I have been there before. You might want to check with your doctor and make sure he/she knows how absolutely miserable you are. But say it with detail, such as I need to do such but I have had to lie on the couch all day.

        Regarding the itchy lumps, you might want to do a search on the word pretibial. There is a dermatological condition that occurs in some Grave’s patients usually on the legs. May or may not be that but maybe you could get an idea from reading what others have said.

          Post count: 93172

          Hi everyone!! Please help me, Yesterday wasn’t that bad and I felt like if this is all the worst it gets I can handle this. Today I can’t seem to get off the couch. I’m so nause, and the slightest things make me gag. Yesterday, I had a bump on my inter thigh that itched. Todays theres abou 5 bumps and boy do they itch. Can this be the tapazole? I’m getting a new doc but not until August 3rd, do I call the old one???? Help!!!

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