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  • Anonymous
      Post count: 93172

      Has anyone had to wear one of those 24 hr heart monitor halters. I’m having a hard time getting off Inderal even though its been a yr since the RAI and have been also on synthroid the last 8 months along with the Inderal. If I was hyperthyroid this halter would have peaks in it that were high, but my heart rate isn’t high anymore, but I still have the heart palpitations, chest pain, etc. Now, suddenly I also have high blood pressure, but the doctor said he couldn’t take me off Inderal now because it is probably keeping my blood pressure from going higher. This sounds like I just stepped on a merry go round. I’m supposed to write a 24 hr diary for the dr. while on this thing. You will all get a laugh out of this. Last night, I wrote down in that little ledger “8-9 p.m.-took 16 yr old son out to learn to drive” Yikes, I wonder if the heart rate went crazy. My driveway never looked so good by the time I came home. How do these driving instructors do it? Let me know if anyone here have ever been hooked up to one of these things.

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