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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    To all you Graves’ warriors out there!!

    OK Here is something to try. Most if not all states have a state insurance commission. They can be found in the phone book under your state headings or on the internet. They can be your patient advocate with an insurance carrier. They can put some “INCREDIBLE” pressure on insurance companies that operate in their state.

    If you are turned down for insurance give them a call. They will want the name of the provider and any particulars you may be able to give. In most cases they can get the company to carry you and consider Graves’ a pre-existing condition that they will not cover for a specified period of time (usually 18 months to 2 years). After that time it is covered at the same rate as your regular coverage.

    I have used the state insurance commission on more than one occasion and in every case they were able to help me and meet my needs. I live in Fl but have used it in New York and Wisconsin as well.

    It is not neccesary to take no for an answer from insurance companies. There is help available. Go out there and Get them to help you.

    On-line Facilitator

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