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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Hi, Beth!

    I’m not sure if there was an actual list that was posted. I do know a number of posters shared their hypo symptoms. Anyway, here is a list of some characteristic symptoms of being hypothyroid from “THE THYROID SOURCEBOOK” by Sara Rosenthal, pp. 33-37:

    “Hypothyroid people will have an unusually slow pulse (less than 70 beats per minute), and either too low or too high blood pressure.”

    Cold intolerance: “You may not be able to find a comfortable temperature and may often wonder why is it FREEZING in here?….This is because your entire metabolic rate has slowed down as your body conserves heat by diverting blood away from your skin.”

    Depression and psychiatric MISdiagnosis: “Hypothyroidism is linked to
    psychiatric depression more frequently than hyperthyroidism.”

    Digestive changes and weight gain: “Because your system is slowed down,
    you’ll suffer from constipation, hardening of stools and bloating…, and poor appetite as well as heartburn.” Cholesteral level could rise.

    Fatigue and sleepiness.

    Fingernails: “Fingernails in this case become brittle and develop lines and grooves to the point where nail polish becomes impossible.”

    Hair changes: “Hair may become thinner, dry and brittle, causing you to need lots of hair conditioner.” There could also be some hair loss.

    Menstrual cycle changes: “Menstrual periods become much heavier and more
    frequent than usual.”

    Muscles: “Common complaints from hypothyroid people are muscular aches and cramps…Muscle coordination is also a problem…”

    Poor memory and concentration.

    I don’t have any specific info about headaches, but it all seems to come in one package. As your meds bring you back into normal thyroid levels you should start to feel better…SOON, I hope!

    Wishing you good health and happiness,

    Post count: 93172

    I have also been hypo recently and have many of the problems described, but also get very dizzy at times . Does anybody else get this and sometimes terrible haeadaches that come and go . Can someone explain why I am nuaseated, also?

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