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  • Anonymous
      Post count: 93172

      hang in there collen , aunt graves is in side for a visit shes playing
      inside, and driving you insane but the meds your on are stronger than
      aunt graves so hang in there because old aunt graves is ready to take
      a fall and you will be better real soon, you will over come this.

      hang in there,


        Post count: 93172

        Since I saw the subject coming up on Dental problems, I thought I’d once again ask if anyone after RAI and being hypo 8 months later, still having headaches and my teeth hurt. Went to the dentist the other day, he took an x-ray of one of my teeth. X-ray didn’t show that there was an infection or root problems but he said if it was an infection it may show up later. It’s beginning to make sense now why when I was hyper I lost three front teeth, Caps would not take, so finally I had a 2 dental implants. Do you know what really gets me mad is how many doctors know so little about GD and its problems!!! This GD is a pain in my butt…and my arms and hands, head, eyes, joints,spine, teeth, what next my toes!!

          Post count: 93172

          I went back and read some old posts on teeth. Wondering if there is anything new on this subject. I am having an awful time with cavities and receding gums. Gumline cavities started showing up 9 months after starting to use Rotodent for receding gums. The first one filled took a week for it to quit hurting. The last one is still hurting and it’s been almost three weeks. The dentist says to wait it out but, I don’t like taking so much Ibuprophren and tylenol.

          Now, I’m scaird to have the next one done. I had a lot of fillings as a teenager but, gosh at 42? I don’t feel like I have dry mouth particularly, which I know makes you more vulnerable to cavities, but I stay thirsty from taking fluid pills to try to control the fluid around my eyes. The hygenist says she doesn’t notice me having dry mouth.

          My teeth are extremely sensitive to cold and sometimes heat. More so since Graves’. Does anyone know? I already use the toothpaste for it but, it’s not much help.

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