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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Some of you have posted wether the HBID (we have a link to them from our home page)has done anything to promote research. I filled out their forms a long time ago. I was contacted by A research doctor at Mt Siani in NYC to take part in blood tests for DNA and gene research to help isolate the gene that causes Graves. I gave blood as did my son, mom, and cousin.

    The research paper was advertised on this site by me last year and we handed out flyers at our convention last year. Things are on-going and the HBID is putting out our statistics for researchers. They do not just do Graves’ but all autoimmune diseases. It is a database for researchers to gather info from. The HBID does not do the research but is a clearing house for researchers to find candidates to take part in their studies.

    We also had some folks who took part in a Mayo clinic study that used HBID participants. So it may be slow going but it is going!! Didn’t want to see HBID get a bad rap and people stop filling out their questions. They are used and people on this board have been contacted. Like I said I am one of them so I know it is working.

    Visit their site and fill out their questions. It can be reached by clicking on the green thyroid at the top of the page. Then click on links and the HBID is there.

    We are only a click away!

    on-line facilitator

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