To: Dianne, and Shannon, and Lynn and all ya’ll whose day stunk!
I’ve been reading the last few posts from you guys, all of whom I consider my friends and I sit here finding myself feeling so-ooo irritated with the medical profession! If there are doctors monitoring this BB this is for you! If you don’t learn another thing – ever…I mean, if you never listen to another lecture, attend another continuing medical education conference, hear another tape or read another journal, please learn this. LISTEN TO US!!! When I was in nursing school 23 years ago we were required to take a course called Theraputic Communication. The whole purpose of this course was to help us to learn to LISTEN to our patients. I don’t think any of us expect miracles. We know you are human. But give us some credit for knowing what we’re talking about when it comes to living inside our own bodies. I don’t care what the latest article you read says Graves Disease does and doesn’t do. When we say something is happening or not happening with our bodies, LISTEN to us. I am NOT sorry to get off on this rant. I think a lot of problems or potential problems, anxiety, sleepless nights and suffering could be alleviated if doctors would only take more time to LISTEN to what we’re saying. We on this BB have no power to do anything but listen to one another and share what information we have with one another. No one offers up any miracles here but there is a hell of a lot of good that comes from just knowing someone out there in the great beyond understands; or at least is willing to try and understand and LISTEN. I wonder if that’s why this BB is so active…maybe if we felt we were being heard by our doctors we wouldn’t need each other quite so much. So maybe there’s a miracle treatment after all. It’s called friendship and understanding.
Dianne and Lynn and Shannon, hang in there! I’m cheering for you!
Luci C.
PS: There are probably (I hope) some doctors reading this thinking, ‘whoa, this woman sure is hyperthyroid’….not so.
Thanks Luci! Docs, please listen to her!
I’m printing a copy of your post to take to my “potential new endo” next week. I want to tell him what I’m looking for that I didn’t get from my previous endo, and that is primarily the willingness to listen, giving me credit for knowing what’s going on in my body, and respond to what I SAY is not “right”, not to his own rigid, limited textbook understandings.
I talked to my last endo about the issue of eating the diet of a rabbit and not losing weight. His reply was that I’m probably eating more than I think I’m eating. It’s that kind of response I react to with wanting to get out that magic wand! I described to him a whole list of symptoms that are related to being hypo, and his responses didn’t even acknowledge these as being related to my thyroid level! Periods every 20 days? See your gyno (again). . .sores on my skin? Change laundry detergents. Muscle weakness and cramps? Be patient. Etc. Anything but the obvious, maybe we need to raise your thyroid replacement dose so you’re not borderline hypo!Yes Luci, it does me a real lot of good to be heard and understood. Thanks for being there!
Dianne N
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