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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    I was just wondering if anyone had shown the FDA report to their endo and the response they had
    received from their doctor.?? I will see my endo
    on Friday and intend to give him a copy and a copy of the report to the fellowships and resident doctors at the teaching hospital I go to. Just wondering too if they know about the meds that they prescribe to their patients..

    Any input is appreciated.

    Post count: 93172

    I took a copy for my endocrinologist on Monday. When I asked her if she’d seen it, she said she “didn’t agree with it”. I guess I did a slight double-take and said, “How could you not agree with it?”

    She started to say that she doesn’t think that natural thyroid replacements were as good as synthetics… When I told her this was not about that, but about the stability and dosage of the synthetic replacements, she said she didn’t have time to read it, and made some snide remark about patients telling endocrinologists how to treat their patients. I’ll not editorialize here about what I think of this attitude — you can do it yourself.

    Post count: 93172

    Yes Dee, I faxed the report to my Endo last week. Have not heard anything. Have an appointment with my Ophthal on 30 September. My Endo is in the same building so I will take another copy in case he didn’t get it. He could be away right now but I will be interested in hearing his opinion. Will let you know. SAS

    Post count: 93172

    To Redhen:

    Uh, ever thought about firing your endo and finding a better one? Just
    a thought.

    Post count: 93172

    Yes, Infomaniac, I have thought of firing my endo and finding a better one. There aren’t many “better ones” around my area — I’ve already fired a few. I must say, that on the positive side, this one’s better at determining optimum dosages of thyroid replacement. Unfortunately, I’m beginning to settle for the minimum in patient care. I went for years with severe muscle pain because no amount of begging would convince the other endos and internists to properly increase dosage. For the past couple of years, my condition has improved greatly due in major part to proper thyroid replacement. I know that some people have lucked out in finding doctors who not only have medical skills, but also professional attitudes and respect for their patients. I hope that those people realilze how blessed they are.

    Post count: 93172

    I gave the report to my endo last Tues. and he was interested and kept the copy. He is the head of the Endocrinology Dept. at the Cleveland Clinic. He said something about the fact that he thought it was in response to an article in the AMA journal (I think) about consistencey in drugs. I also gave a copy to my pharmacist.


    Post count: 93172

    I gave a copy of the report to my endo last Tues. and he was interested and said something about it being in response to an AMA Journal article (I think) on meds. I wish I had paid more attention to what he said but he took it and put it in his pocket when I said he could have it. He is head of the Endocrinology Dept. at the Cleveland Clinic. I’ve only seen him twice but feel very comfortable with him and feel lucky when I read about the experiences some of you have with your endos.
    I thought I had posted this before but don’t see it on the board.

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