Hello again everyone. I have been reading the bulliten board
faithfully everyday. I have been learing alot but I have a few
1) Has anyone seen my sex drive?? I am never in the mood anymore
this is not like me.
2) What is this rash on my arms? I showed my endo but he did’nt
seem concerned. It is very unattractive. Plus my face looks like
a teenagers.
3) I will see an opthomologist(??) next week. How does he check
the muscles in my eyes. Can I still wear my contacts??
Well it’s been a few weeks since the RAI treatment. I have had a
mild sore throat off and on. The other day I had a cold for about
eight hours and then it went away? (maybe allergies)I seem to
have more energy which is good. Anyway Good Luck to you all. KimAs far as your sex drive, I know I don’t have it. The rash on your arms is reminisant (sp) of my problem when I was hyper. I don’t know if you are hyper or hypo, but I had horrible itching all over my body. My ankles and thighs had ulcer like sores which took forever to get rid of. Now that I think about it, my upper arms itched so bad, I got sores there too.
I have read about impacts on libido in the literature.
I certainly experienced it! Aside from anything, I felt so tired, oddly flat and depressed. Lets face it, sometimes it was too much to take the washing off the Iine. Under those circumstances nobody would be in the mood for lerve. In addition there may be a specific effect on the libido, but I have’nt read enough to know.
The medication started kicking in about a week ago and the old libido has made a reappearance (albeit subdued). I’m still tired so the situations not perfect.
I had a red rash on torso and arms which nobody has been able to explain yet. I had it before the medication, so who knows?
I am not really sure how to ask this question
my husband has no sex drive atall is this normal
I dont mean to be insentive with him and his illness
but am very frustrated and was wondering if any of the men here
have had this same problem he was dianoisi about 3-4weeks ago
thank you someladyI have Graves disease and when my mind is racing 90 miles a minute, I can’t keep my mind focused on the things at hand long enough to get interested. This is very frustrating to say the least for my husband. I would imagine that this can be more critical in the case of a man!!! Things should calm down when he is less hyper if that is the case for him. They got better for me. Good Luck.
if you go back a few months some lady
you will find alot of information
dealing with sex and driving the carlater, steve
Lack of sex drive is VERY normal. I’ve had GD for almost two years now and when I was really sick with it (for about 6 months or so) I had no desire whatsoever for sex. It drove my boyfriend at the time nuts, I think.
Just be understanding and know that it’s not his fault. When his hormones get balanced, so should everything else, theoretically.
Hope this helps.
Aloha, Caroline
Lack of libido is indeed a possible symptom of Graves’ disease. It
makes sense if you think about it because thyroid hormone can affect
the other hormones in the body, including the sex hormones. So, besides
the lack of libido, you can also see a situation where a woman’s periods
can become less frequent and make it difficult for her to conceive.
These things don’t happen to everyone, but they can.Lack of interest in sex is apparently a really common symptom – just think about the last time you had the flu and how little you were interested! The thyroid messes up so many things its a wonder more of us aren’t called hypochondriacs!
(The “want to” does come back, though)
This question does come up sometimes. Libedo is affected by Graves. It does get better after the levels get back to somewhat normal. So for awhile the car don’t get out of the Garage so to speak. I have had Graves for almost 8 years and libedo comes and goes. When it is here take advantage. When it is not try to do other things to keep your partner happy. Antidepressents will also effect libedo as will some of the bata blockers. A sense of humor helps and sometimes just a little laughter changes the mood and things progress.
The same goes for the ladies I am sure. We receive enough e-mail that the ladies have the same lack of desire. Lack of lubrication is of the utmost concern for many of the women. Over the counter lubricants like (no kidding here folks) Astroglide (told to me by the local pharmacist as the number 1 selling lubricant)are said to really help. In case you were wondering where I came up with that one I work part time at a drug store and I am always bugging the pharmacist about thyroid drugs with any questions I get.
So folks. Go on and have fun if the mood strikes. If it does not at the moment it will latter. Life is good and it does get better.
>The same goes for the ladies I am sure. We receive enough e-mail that >the ladies have the same lack of desire. Lack of lubrication is of the >utmost concern for many of the women. Over the counter lubricants like >(no kidding here folks) Astroglide (told to me by the local pharmacist >as the number 1 selling lubricant)are said to really help.
I want to add a female voice to this. Lack of lubrication is a big concern and I do find that lubricants work wonders. Some are better than others, I personally like Wet Platinum, but Astroglide is the best one out there. There is nothing worse to finally be in the mood and get stopped by severe pain because one’s body is not functioning properly in certain areas.
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