Hi All,
I know, I haven’t posted in awhile. (I was starting to get paranoid about all the
varied symptoms) However, I had a busy week, went to the GI doc. I messed up
my appt. date. and Ended up fasting for 48 hrs vs 24. However, lucky me
got an “extended” exam-everything checked okay. (phew!) also, Saw my
Doc yesterday- After having RAI done last AUG and starting Levo in
Jan, My thyroid (T3/T4) lvls are normal!!! (However, TSH wasn’t back yet,
So call next week-) AND my MD said that let’s wait 3 months until the next
lab/doc appt.
Now, the next hurdle will be losing 120 lbs. (SIGH) I mean I fasted for 48 hours
and didn’t lose weight?! sigh. (well, not that I could tell) My Levo dose
is currently .1 for those so data inclined folk.
Huggers and Happy Easter all. Dawn.