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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Hi All,

    I know, I haven’t posted in awhile. (I was starting to get paranoid about all the
    varied symptoms) However, I had a busy week, went to the GI doc. I messed up
    my appt. date. and Ended up fasting for 48 hrs vs 24. However, lucky me
    got an “extended” exam-everything checked okay. (phew!) also, Saw my
    Doc yesterday- After having RAI done last AUG and starting Levo in
    Jan, My thyroid (T3/T4) lvls are normal!!! (However, TSH wasn’t back yet,
    So call next week-) AND my MD said that let’s wait 3 months until the next
    lab/doc appt.

    Now, the next hurdle will be losing 120 lbs. (SIGH) I mean I fasted for 48 hours
    and didn’t lose weight?! sigh. (well, not that I could tell) My Levo dose
    is currently .1 for those so data inclined folk.

    Huggers and Happy Easter all. Dawn.

    Post count: 93172

    God bless you with your weight problem. I have had no luck with carbo
    hydrate diets and much better luck with low carbo diets. What’s worked
    for me in the past is NO starches and sugars, lean proteins such as
    fish (baked broiled) or chicken, turkey. As little fats as possible.
    No fruits or grains.
    It’s no fun, but I havn’t tried anything else that worked. I now have
    diabetes after 30 years of eating this way. Probably no insulin receptors
    Keep in touch, If you find anything that works, let me know.

    Post count: 93172

    Happy Easter to all, and here’s hoping you have a good day!

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