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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Everybody is wasting their time time to convince Had Enough to come back to the board and give it another chance. If this individual truly has been diagnosed with GD, they have not had the diagnosis long enough to really get settled with that fact. To Had Enough, “Graves Disease” is probably just a name right now, just two words put together that maybe explain a few initial mood swings (or perhaps no sypmtoms at all at this point), so they do not have a clue as to what may be in store for them. It seemed very obvious to me that Had Enough had their mind made up before even coming to this board that everybody else is a bunch of whiners. Had Enough needs to understand the difference between a Support Group (and I have visited several BB’s on this site and this is one of the best and most consistent) and a medical supplementation board that posts Cures and All The Right Answers. Had Enough sounds very young, very immature and very spoiled. This person does not want to take the time to find their own way (with or without help) through the individuality of this disease, which is what a Support Group helps you do. They want everyone to give them the answers. Life doesn’t work that way.
    If Had Enough wasn’t finding what they needed on this board, they should have just moved on and searched for other avenues, not taken their impatience and inability to get immediate results out on the other people who post on this board. The comments were not even constructive, they were vindictive. That never helps any situation. But this is a person that obviously has to make themselves feel good by making others feel bad.
    So Had Enough has decided that the people who post here are not worthy of his/her patronizing this board. Trust me, at this stage of the game anyway, this board is much better off without that kind of ignorant negativity.

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