I happened to click on the bb, and was astounded to see 21 posts over less than seven hours, all on the same subject! I read all of them, and I must say, I was pleasantly surprised! Not only were all of you very supportive of “Had Enough”, you didn’t take it and run away with it! Let’s face it, in the past, there have been times that something like this has dominated the board for several days, and people coming to bthe board for the first time were REALLY turned off. I don’t know what happened to make this person feel unacknowledged, but his/her perceptions are real to him/her. I think all of you left the door open, and we can hope that one day that person will know that return is possible. In the meantime, there are a couple of significant posts, so go back over the day and answer those. I have already responded to those who left e-mail addresses. I am proud of all of you!
Hi all, this is my first time to your site and I think its great. I was told I had Graves Disease and Lupus in Dec. 1998, I am 30yrs old, happily married, with three children. The beginning of 1998 I noticed my body taking a nose dive, I felt terrible, I thought I was just doing too much and needed to rest more, but that was problim #1, I could not sleep, which led to #2 mood swings, the least little thing set me off, and I was never like that. #3 weight loss, I weighed 141 in March of 98, June of 98 I weighed 119, now I weigh 118 but it seems to be stable now. Then came the hair loss, thats what triggered me to seek help!!! After many trips to see many different doctors and go through tons of painful tests, I got my answer: Graves Disease and Lupus. After reading many things on both of the diseases I noticed, WOW, everything they mentioned, I had!!!!!
I have had nothing but wonderful support from my husband and family. I still work, I refuse to let these diseases take over my life, I know they will always be a part of my life and I continue to take meds and see docs on a reg. basis. Everyday is a different day and I work harder to better myself and my health, please if any of you want to email me, just to talk or if you need a shoulder to lean on, I would be happy to pass on some support!!!!! ***smile, God loves you and so do I” AngieI just wanted to say this BB offers wonderful support and information one usually would not get from a doctor, friend, or family member.
Example. My GD was diagnosed as a result of going to the emergency room with atrial fibrillation. (I knew it was serious when they set the paddles next to me and I was sent to intensive care for a day.) I have the hair loss, memory problems, and other issues discussed on the BB, but never mentioned by my doctor. And a family member just said, “Oh thyroid problems run in the family — all you have to do is take that pill (RAI).” I couldn’t help but wonder why it has been so different from me — I had felt like a whiner.
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