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  • Anonymous
      Post count: 93172

      Most of you know that I’ve been dealing with being
      diagnosed with Grave’s in April. Most likely I’ve had it
      for 4-5 years. I’m on 5Mg Tapazole which has worked very
      well so far.

      Today I ran 8.25 miles at a 9:30 pace. This was one of
      my longer runs over the last year or so. Out of
      curiosity I checked my running log and found that the
      39.25 miles that I did this week was the most mileage
      in a week since July of 93.

      I’m really excited about feeling better and about these
      recent running accomplishments. Up until 4-5 years ago
      I ran 35-40 miles a week and was doing 1-2 5K races a
      week and a marathon each year or so.

      Now if I just don’t get too motivated and end up getting injured!

      Becky Ryder

        Post count: 93172

        I’m so glad you posted about running. My pulse rate used to never go over 70 or 80 and I could run forever at a 9 minute pace, 3 miles cross country races were were at a 6:30 pace and I loved it, now I can’t make it up stairs without a pulse of 120 (and I’m euthyroid right now but also pregnant) It makes me feel like after I have this baby I can work back up to my running, swimming and cycling. YEAH!!! Thanks for the inspiration…. and keep on running…Tami (this year the stairs… next year triathelon !!!

          Post count: 93172


          Sounds like you were a pretty good runner and I’m sure
          you’ll return to a high degree of training after the baby.
          I bet the high heart rate has more to do with being
          pregnant than the Grave’s. My daughter is due August 14
          and she was also a very good runner prior to pregnancy
          (20-21 5K). She’s been walking for an hour 4-5 days a
          week throughout the pregnancy and has noticed an increased
          heart rate (higher than running).

          Let me know if you need any coaching advice. I’ve just
          retired from 27 years of coaching cross country and track
          and field. I’ll still be teaching HS health for at least
          one year.

          Becky Ryder

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